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Faaànànataeraa na te mau tamarii
(Voir les photos) Mai te 18 e tae mai i te 22 no Tetepa matahiti 2006, ua faanaho mai te mau rautī o te Puna Reo i te tahi mau faaànànataeraa na te mau tamarii. Ua haapaòhia mai te tahi…
The banquet of the vice-president
(Voir les photos) The vice-President signing the guest book:During his visit at the Puna Reo,the vice-president of the country Jacqui Drollet has appreciated our center and the traditional meal that was offered to him , to his collaborators…
Te tāmāaraa na te Mono-Peretiteni o te Fenua Māòhi nei
(A hio mai te hohoa) Ua tere mai te Mono-Peretiteni o te Fenua nei, o Jacqui Tiàmatahi Drollet tāne i te Puna Reo nei e, ua ìtehia i nià i to na hohoà mata ē, ua au maitaì o ia…
The eighteenth birthday of Hoonui
(check the pictures)With many friends,the tallest of all children was celebrating his 18 years old birthday at the Puna Reo. Well done Hoonui!
Ua 18 matahiti to Hoonui
(A hio mai te hohoa) Ua 18 matahiti to Hoonui, o ia te tamarii rahi roa aè i te Puna Reo nei. Ua faahanahana-maite-hia ïa te reira na roto i te faatupuraahia to na òroà mahana fanauraa. E rave rahi…
ASSOCIATION: PUNA REO PIHA’E’INA STATUTS (EXTRAITS) Article 1: Constitution Il est fondé entre les adhérents aux présents statuts une Association régie par la loi du 1 Juillet 1901 et le décret du 15 Août 1901, ayant pour titre: PUNA REO…
TÄATIRAA: PUNA REO PIHAÈÌNAPAPATURE (te tahi mau tuhaa)Ìrava 1: HaamauraaUa haamauhia te mau mero i faarii i teie nei papature te hoê Täatiraa ia au hoìi te ture no te mahana mätämua no Tiurai matahiti 19001 ra, e, ua piihia…
Puna Reo Songs
Those are a few songs recorded in July 2006,during the reception of Apatoerau group from Seattle…. Drums: Toere (2Mo){mmp3}06_intro_toere.mp3{/mmp3} song of welcome: Mave (2Mo){mmp3}02_mave.mp3{/mmp3}Puna Reo song: Puna Reo E (2,5Mo){mmp3}04_puna_reo_e.mp3{/mmp3}Traditionnal song of Pihaena : Hehe (1,5Mo){mmp3}08_hehe.mp3{/mmp3}Marquesan Haka of the wild pigs:…
(Check the pictures)For a few days, Puna Reo happily welcomed staff from PACIFIC WAYS, a CPS TV broadcast.
(A hi'o mai i te mau hoho'a)Ua noho mai e tootoru nau taata tāviri hohoà i te Puna Reo. Ua haere mai ratou e tāviri i te mau hohoà no ta ratou haapurororaa PACIFIC WAYS. E faanahoraa teie na te…