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PERERAU receive the mayor…

 On wednesday 15th september2010,the mayor ,who came with his asistants and 2 town councillors from Paopao ,visited the land  Pererau.In the Legend of Rotui ,the marae  Pererau is located on the land Pererau.The place ,where was put the big drum of the queen Teremuura,is very important and very symbolic for the village of Pihaena.

Le Maire et le plan

 The association Puna Reo responsibles could therefore explain the works done since one year and and could hand a document about the future projects to the mayor.

 Firstly,the cleaning and the rehabilitation of the lower part ,with the plantation of banana trees,fruit trees.

Secondly,the preliminary works done with the  archaelogist of the Association "Te ihipapa no te taato'a " with the following purposes:




_general statement of the place

_detailed statement of every archaelogical structure

_assessment  of renovation works needed

_security of the place

The mayor ,Raymond Van Bastoler ,could assess the worc done.He ensured the Rurua that they will go on receiving support from the town hall and consider that this initiative has a very important educational role.

link: Maire délégué regardant le terrain

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