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Press release: »we are in favor of the abolition of the « CAPES Reo Maohi »!

{jcomments on}With all the events seen during the last days in the media concerning the CAPES Reo Maohi ,the Puna Reo is wondering ,and would like to ask all people  who are fighting for the protection of their language and the culture  to think deeply about the best ways to do it.

First of all,the CAPES Reo Maohi do not exist ,we can not abolish it…We are talking about the external CAPES ,regional languages,section Tahitian (it was called CAPES Tahitian-French before).We are of course in favor of recognised qualifications  for teaching all the Reo Maohi languages,qualifications  that really allow the students to prefectly master the language and to have the ability  to teach it.

We would like to see all those people to mobilise around  the real problem:thousands of polynesian children are loosing their language and the culture every year without any reaction in the country, although we know that the language and the culture are the spirit of a nation.

For the real transmission of language ,the « états généraux » in 2009 made some diagnosises and gave solutions.Have those solutions been taken  account?

The official recognition of our language ,like in the eighties ,that would be  equal to the french language should be the real fight that we have to lead today.


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