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Te mau taviri hoho’a no Aotearoa
Ua tono-hia mai te ho'e pupu taata mai Aotearoa mai no te taviri-raa i te mau tamarii i roto i te arata'iraa ohipa a te Puna reo. Tera ra ho'i, i taua taime ra, tei Makemo ia te mau tamarii…
A Pihaena, sur une terre communale, subsiste un lieu de légendes : Pahu i Pererau. S'y trouvent des paepae, des sépultures, des espèces végétales endémiques et indigénes. En collaboration avec le ministère de la Culture et du Patrimoine et la…
Ua tupu te ho'e tuurima mana i rotopu i te oire ti'ahia mai e te tavana Raymond Vanbastolaer e te Puna reo no teie fenua o Pererau. Na te Puna reo ia e ti'a'au i teie fenua 12 matahiti i…
The Marae Pererau is reviving again !
Great day for Pihaena and the Puna Reo ,on may 29th 2009 ,that saw the signature of a agreement with the town hall in order to implement a important project for the rehabilitation of the place,the revamp of our…
Te faa-ora-faahou-raa i te marae Pererau
Te mahana pae 29 no Më 2009, e mahana rahi ïa no tö Pihaèna e tö Puna Reo. Inahan, ua tuu-rima-hia te tahi faa-au-raa e te Oire èi faa-ora-faahou-raa ïa i tö tätou faufaa tumu. No te mau parau âpï, a…
Welcome Beatrice!
Today,may 18th 2009 at 2 pm ,the Puna Reo Pihae'ina association has the pleasure to welcome mrs Beatrice Vernaudon , mayor of Pirae and territorial assembly representative of French Polynesia and the other elected representative of the Pirae town hall.…
Maeva e Beatrice
MAEVA E TE TAVANA NO PIRAE E oaoa rahi to te taatiraa PUNA REO PIHA'E'INA i te farii-raa ia Beatrice VERNAUDON, tavana no Pirae e mero no te Apooraa rahi no Polynesia. E opua-raa maoro nana e inaha ua…
Tou tere i Ua Pou
Ua tere au i Ua Pou Ua haere au na nia i te pahi i Ua Pou. Ua ori au i te hinano Ura, Moua tei nia Rotui.Ua hauti au i te fai Mouà Puta.Ua himene au. Ua hauti…
Te mau tamarii…
Nescafe Stars 2009
(Voir les photos) The gymnasium was full in Moorea.The Puna Reo organised the local selections and the night for the Nescafe Star contest on Moorea...The 700 people who were present could appreciate the quality of the show .They came to…