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Nice end for the holiday camp 2011


Spectacle de fin de coloie

After one full  month ,the holiday center ended in a magnificent     way.

Last friday,in the enchanting surrounding  of the Marae Pererau , the kids and some parents experienced the research of the polynesian ancestors  trough some explanations and archaelogy digs.

They were having fun in handling the shovel and the brush in order to find stones and coal that will prove the existence of former inhabitants.Reserches that were conducted by two archaelogists ,Tamara Maricet and Hinanui Cauchois,who have been working for one year with the Puna Reo in order to revive the Marae Pererau.

The day ended by the presentation of a show prepared during one month,to relate,sing and illustrate some polynesian legends.The Puna Reo is very pleased about the success gained by its summer camp ,that  have offered to around fifty kids some intelligent,cultural and healthy holidays with many visits ,hikings and learnings organised.


See the pictures

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